Thursday, July 30, 2020
Best Resume Writing Services Toronto
Best Resume Writing Services TorontoWhen hiring someone to write your resume, there are a few things you can do to make it stand out among the rest. This is why companies hire professionals to do this for them. You don't want to be one of those people that get the job only to find out their work was subpar or that they were not even qualified to do the job.The first thing to do is to have a professional resume writer to draft your work so that it is professional and polished. This is the first step when choosing someone to do this job for you. A great tip to help with this is to read through a sample resume that was written by someone else to get an idea of what the end product should look like. That way you know it won't look anything like a fake and you'll know you are working with a company that has a lot of experience in this field.The next thing to do is to come up with a great cover letter for your resume as well. This is the first thing that is sent out for consideration and h elps to get a hiring manager interested in you. Make sure you know who the hiring manager is and make sure they appreciate the time you took to get this done.When you send out your resume, make sure it comes back looking as professional as possible. Send it to as many people as you can. Send it to someone close to you for added warmth.In addition to sending out your resume, be sure to apply for as many jobs as you can. Remember, you are competing with hundreds of other resumes and you have to be able to stand out. This will help you when the hiring manager looks at your resume and sees the skills and experience that you have to offer.One final step you can take is to use your connections in the industry to get some great free advice on resume writing services Toronto offers. These connections may be family members, friends, or other people in the industry. They will be able to tell you how you can best present yourself and what types of services are the best.The last thing you can d o is to keep your resume updated and sent out frequently. You don't want to be in a hurry and have it all disappear in a day or two. The longer you wait, the less likely your chances are of getting hired.As you can see, there are a few ways you can go about hiring a resume writing service Toronto offers. Make sure you choose the best one and that you use it correctly in order to get you the job!
Thursday, July 23, 2020
6 Questions You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer- Part 2 - Hallie Crawford
6 Questions You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer- Part 2 Hallie was honored to be featured in a recent Glassdoor article about questions you should ask the hiring manager during your job interview. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you. It is important to ask the hiring manager questions during your interview to make sure the potential job will be a good fit for you. When you prepare insightful and specific questions it will not only show that you are truly interested in the position but show how you would be as an employee: prepared and thorough. Here are 3 questions you need to ask: What is the office culture like here and will any travel be expected? This will help you determine what kind of work ethic the company has and allow you to make sure that it will be a good fit for you and your family. Do you offer any mentoring programs? Companies that are interesting in employee growth usually offer some sort of mentoring program. The program that they have in place can help you determine how important it is to this company that their employees succeed and reach their goals. What is the organizationâs mission? Finding out more about the companyâs mission and values, as well as how they live by them, is a way to determine if your values match up. Make sure to avoid asking about salary and vacation time during the initial interview. It may cause the hiring manager to think you are only interested in the benefits of the position, not in the position itself.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
How to give a good performance review
Step by step instructions to give a decent exhibition survey Heres the most exceedingly terrible presentation survey I at any point got: You were incredible. The survey was by means of email, and when I remarked on its quickness, my supervisor said the ludicrous Internet pay he gave me was demonstration of the amount he needed to keep me. Obviously he didn't realize that a great many surveies has demonstrated that compensation isn't the most significant factor in work fulfillment. Individuals need to feel helpful, they need to be tested, and they need to be perceived for their commitment. A key way that directors can do this for their workers is to lead a cautious, very much arranged and smart survey. (A decent fallback is to utilize a precise methodology, similar to execution examination programming.) Be that as it may, great execution audit cheers up. You have to truly observe the worker and comprehend what persuades her. You have to comprehend where she needs to go, in light of the fact that the activity of you, the chief, is to assist her with arriving. Also, obviously, a decent supervisor will show the worker why she should need for herself what her director needs for her. A worker realizes immediately how set you up are for the survey, so dont trouble attempting to counterfeit it; this isn't a school paper test, this is reality. Absence of planning implies that you don't pay attention to the audit, so you can wager the worker will overlook what you state. Absence of planning implies tutoring and driving are not high needs, and administrators who don't make those high needs are supervisors who have not well arranged backstabbing representatives. Heres the best audit I at any point had: My manager plunked down with me and gave me two composed pages â" one of my qualities and one of my shortcomings. This may appear standard practice, yet to do this training great requires keen planning. In the qualities segment my manager featured regions of my presentation that I didnt think he saw â" like that I am a solid guide. He additionally featured territories that I didnt acknowledge were qualities â" like that I can lead without express position. At the point when my supervisor got to the shortcoming area of the audit he had just prevailed upon me with his understanding, so I listened mindfully. He disclosed to me that I should have been progressively prudent when I need to differ with him. Also, he gave me instances of ways that I had couldn't help contradicting him over the previous year, and ways that I could have done it without freely subverting him. He likewise disclosed to me how to ensure that individuals dont do that to me, their chief, since they have seen me do it to my supervisor. In manners like this, my manager let me realize that he truly needed me to succeed, and he was going to assist me with making sure it occurred. There was no raise at that survey (I had just coerced him for a raise prior in the year and he had given me the raise and clarified why my methodology was bad for building connections). There was additionally no measurement (You get a six for cooperation, you get a five for tidying up the kitchen). What there was in that survey was a profound worry for me, as an individual, and a profound thankfulness for what I had accomplished for his organization. So accept this open door to establish a major connection in someones life. You don't find the opportunity to spare starving kids, yet you can improve the world a spot by moving toward surveys such that causes every worker to feel thought about and significant. This goes for workers who suck, as well. Actually, individuals ordinarily suck since they loathe their activity and feel like its not doing anything for them. It was cutback season toward the finish of a year ago. In the event that you couldnt make sense of how to dispose of the individual by then, you owe it to everybody to make the best of the circumstance with a decidedly ready audit. Furthermore, for those of you who have a supervisor who has rescheduled your audit multiple times, or not planned it by any means: send her this section.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Top MVC Interview Questions Answers for Sure Shot Selection
Top MVC Interview Questions Answers for Sure Shot Selection Top MVC Interview Questions Answers11 min read Read ing Time: 8 min utesIn this fast-mov ing world, one should remain updat ed reg u lar ly to catch up with new trends in tech nol o gy. There has been a dras tic change in the past few years, a lot of web devel op ment frame works are com ing in the mar ket. And one of these frame works is ASP.NET MVC. It is tak ing the inter net by storm, so hav ing knowl edge about this frame work has become nec es sary to keep up with the pace. Giv en below are the MVC inter view ques tions answers to help you get basic insights. Relat ed Posts: Sele ni um Inter view Ques tions Answers that you Canât-Miss to Pre pare Fre quent ly Asked C Inter view Ques tions Answers by the Recruiters Top Data Struc ture Inter view Ques tions Answers | Get Start ed Php Inter view Ques tions Answers â" [86% of Inter view ers Ask these] About ASP.NET MVC Whether you are a begin ner or try ing to switch to a new frame work, under stand ing the fre quent ly asked MVC inter view ques tions will help you crack your inter view. But what is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is an exten sion to the .NET plat form and with the help of this frame work, a pro gram mer can build, deploy and run web pages. The pro gram mer can eas i ly devel op web appli ca tions and web sites using HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, etc. And most impor tant ly it is an open-source web devel op ment frame work. But then the ques tion aris es that when there are so many open-source frame works, why will a pro gram mer learn a dif fer ent frame work. Well, this is an impor tant ques tion that you may come across while you give answers to your MVC inter view ques tions in ASP.NET. Why ASP.NET MVC? There are some para me ters that you should keep in mind before work ing on a new frame work. There are 3 major aspects which define the per for mance of an appli ca tion are : Unit Test ing: Not every web appli ca tion sup ports unit test ing. The pro gram mer might face prob lems in the cus tomiza tion of HTML. Also, while work ing on a par tic u lar frame work a pro gram mer focus es on how to reuse the code-behind class. And luck i ly all these para me ters exist in MVC, hence mak ing it more supe ri or to oth er frame works. Attractive Features: Cre at ing and imple ment ing tests is quite easy in this frame work The pro gram mer has com plete con trol over HTML, URLâs and Javascript It is sim ple to pro gram code in this frame work It uses the Mod el, View, Con troller struc ture The devel op ment of mod ules are test-dri ven It also sup ports par al lel devel op ment Important Things To Remember for MVC Interview Questions There are cer tain impor tant things that a pro gram mer needs to keep in mind while he cre ates his first MVC appli ca tion or faces an MVC inter view ques tions or MVC inter view ques tions too. The pro gram mer should under stand that while it is easy and con ve nient to use MVC but it is not a replace ment of ASP.Net web forms-based appli ca tions. The appli ca tions and their fea tures decide how to incor po rate MVC into it. The devel op ment process is much more com plex than oth er web form-based appli ca tions. ASP.NET MVC interview questions with Answers Now, letâs dive into MVC inter view ques tionsthat can help you clear your base. What is an MVC structure or Model View Controller? Tip: This may seem like a real ly cliched ques tion but this is where any inter view er can judge how much knowl edge you pos sess about the struc ture. Answer: MVC Struc ture is a pat tern of soft ware archi tec ture that most of the pro gram mers use while devel op ing a web appli ca tion. It has 3 objects name ly: Mod el-View-Con troller. Explain the complete representation of Model-View-Controller in an MVC application. Answer: The MVC mod el has: Mod el: It con tains the busi ness log ic with in the mod el. The Mod el in MVC is also respon si ble for main tain ing data. Hence it is also called as an appli ca tionâs data domain. View: It is basi cal ly what the user sees on the screen or a user inter face. In oth er words, it con tains user inter face log ic. Con troller: Con troller gives answers to the userâs clicks or actions. Based on it, a par tic u lar con troller responds with in the mod el and dis plays the result on the userâs screen. What are the different return types of the controller action method? Answer: JSON Result Javascript Result Con tent Result View Result Explain the key difference between adding routes to a web application and a Model-View-Controller application. Answer: For adding a route to a web form app, the pro gram mer can use Map PageR oute() method which comes in the RouteCol lec tion class where as if the pro gram mer is adding routes to an MVC appli ca tion, then he/she may pre fer to use MapRoute() method. What are the advantages of using an MVC structure? Answer: The ben e fits or advan tages of MVC are as fol lows: Mul ti ple view sup port: Because of the sep a ra tion of the mod el from the view, the user inter face can present mul ti ple views of the same data and at the same time. Change Accom mo da tion: User inter faces lead to switch ing more reg u lar ly than busi ness rules. Sep a ra tion of Con cerns: Sep a ra tion of Con cerns (SOC) is one of the core advan tages of ASP.NET MVC. The MVC frame work presents a clean divi sion of the UI, Busi ness Log ic, Mod el or Data. More Con trol: The ASP.NET MVC frame work pro duces more con trol over HTML, JavaScript, and CSS than the leg endary Web Forms. Testa bil i ty: This frame work imple ments more use ful testa bil i ty of the Web Appli ca tion and great sup port for test-dri ven devel op ment too. Light weight: MVC frame work does nât use View State and that over comes the band width of the requests to an inten si ty. List some disadvantages of using MVC structure. Answer: The mod el pat tern that MVC struc ture uses is a bit com plex. There can be inef fi cien cy in access ing data in the view. With the evolv ing user inter face, some times it becomes dif fi cult to incor po rate MVC in the code. To use MVC, the pro gram mer must have knowl edge of mul ti ple lan guages. While work ing on any frame work, it is impor tant to know about the steps of the struc ture which are exe cut ed when a pro gram mer uses an MVC struc ture. This ques tion comes up more fre quent ly no mat ter how many times you sit to appear for your MVC inter view ques tions Define the execution step in the MVC structure. Answer: The steps are as fol lows: It receives a request for the appli ca tion. Sec ond ly, it per forms rout ing. Then takes place the MVC request han dler. A Con troller is cre at ed. Then exe cu tion of con troller takes place. What is the difference between ViewBag and ViewData? View Da ta pass es data from a con troller to a view. View Bag is a cov er around View Da ta, which allows for mu lat ing a dynam ic prop er ty. So the main ben e fit of view bag over view da ta is that in View Bag there is no require ment to type cast the objects as in the case of View Da ta. More over, View Bag takes advan tage of the dynam ic key word that is includ ed in ver sion 4.0. How ev er, View Bag is slow er than the View Da ta. How can we change the action name in MVC? âAction Nameâ attribute is uti lized for alter ing the action name. Here is a sam ple code snip pet to demon strate itâ" [ActionName(âTestActionNewâ)] pub lic Action Re sult Tes tAc tion() { return View(); } In this code snip pet, âTes tAc tionâ is the orig i nal action name and in the âAction Nameâ attribute, name â" âTes tAc tion Newâ is giv en. Hence, the caller will use âTes tAc tion Newâ to call this action. What is WebAPI? HTTP is the most wide ly used and known pro to col. For many years, the brows er was the most favored client by which we con sumed data exposed over HTTP. But as years passed, client vari ety began grow ing out. We had asked to con sume data on HTTP from clients like mobile, JavaScript, Win dows appli ca tions, etc. For meet ing the demands of a broad range of clients, REST was the rec om mend ed approach. WebAPI is the tech nol o gy by which you can dis play data over HTTP fol low ing REST prin ci ples. What is MVC Routing? The URLs inASP.NET MVC are draft ed to action meth ods and con trollers rather than phys i cal files of the sys tem. To pre cise ly out line action meth ods and con troller to URLs, the rout ing engine forms suit able routes. Using this, the con trollers can man age spe cif ic requests. What is an Attribute Route in MVC? ASP.NET Web API pro motes this kind of rout ing. In this type of rout ing, attrib ut es deter mine the routes. It gives more con trol over clas sic URI Rout ing. Attribute Rout ing can be estab lished at con troller lev el or at Action lev el like â" [Route(â{action = Test Cat e go ryList}â)] â" Con troller Lev el [Route(âcustomers/{TestCategoryId:int:min(10)}â)] â" Action Lev el What do you understand by Code Blocks in Views? Code expres sions are eval u at ed and sent to the response. But Code blocks are the blocks of code that get exe cut ed. This is ben e fi cial for indi cat ing vari ables which might be claimed to be applied next. @{ int x = 123; string y = âaaâ; } What is a Razor View Engine? Razor is the orig i nal prin ci pal update to pro duce HTML in MVC 3. It was out lined par tic u lar ly for view engine syn tax. The cen tral focus of this is to ana lyze tem plat ing for HTML gen er a tion. Below is a sam ple of using Razor: @model MvcMusicStore.Models.Customer @{ViewBag.Title = âGet Cus tomersâ;} div class=âcustâ h3em@Model.CustomerName/em /h3 What are the possible Razor view extensions? Below are the two types of exten sions razor view can have â" .cshtml â" In C# pro gram ming lan guage this exten sion is prac ticed. .vbhtml â" In VB pro gram ming lan guage this exten sion is used. What is Unobtrusive JavaScript? This is a gener ic term that car ries a gen er al phi los o phy, com pa ra ble to the term REST (Rep re sen ta tion al State Trans fer). Unob tru sive JavaScript does not inter mix JavaScript code in page markup. Eg: Instead of using events like onclick and onsub mit, the unob tru sive JavaScript con nects to items by their ID or class based on the HTML5 data- attrib ut es. Can you explain the MVC application life cycle? Here is the process in sequence: App ini tial iza tion Rout ing Instan ti ate and exe cute con troller Locate and invoke con troller action Instan ti ate and ren der view. What are Validation Annotations? Data anno ta tions are attrib ut es that are locat ed in the âSystem.ComponentModel.DataAnnotationsâ name space. . Four attrib ut es, name ly â" Required, String Length, Reg u lar Expres sion, and Range are used to incor po rate the com mon val i da tion sce nar ios. What is Dependency Resolution? Depen den cy Resolver has been intro duced in MVC3 and has con sid er ably ana lyzed the usage of depen den cy injec tion in appli ca tions. This turns out to be eas i er and more use ful for decou pling the appli ca tion com po nents as well as in mak ing them more acces si ble to test and more con fig urable. What is the use of Keep and Peek in âTempDataâ? Once âTem p Da taâ is read in the cur rent request, it is not pos si ble in the fol low ing request. If we want âTem p Da taâ to be read and also avail able in the suc ceed ing request then after read ing we need to call the âKeepâ method as explained in the code below: @TempData[âMyDataâ]; TempData.Keep(âMyDataâ); The short cut way of accom plish ing the same result is by using âPeekâ. This func tion helps to read as well as main tain âTem p Da taâ for the sub se quent request. string str = TempData.Peek(âTdâ).ToString(); What are the Filters? There are times when we want to exe cute some log ic either pri or to the exe cu tion of the action method or after the exe cu tion. We can use Action Fil ter for such kind of sce nario. Fil ters estab lish the log ic that exe cutes before or after the exe cu tion of the action method. Action Fil ters are attrib ut es that we can employ to the action meth ods. Fol low ing are the MVC action fil ter types: Autho riza tionfil ter(imple ments IAu tho riza tion Fil ter) Actionfil ter(imple ments IAc tion Fil ter) Resultfil ter(imple ments IRe sult Fil ter) Excep tionfil ter(imple mentsIEx cep tion Fil ter attribute) What is the GET Action type and POST Action type? GET Action Type helps in inquir ing data from a par tic u lar ized resource. With all the GET requests, we pass the URL, which is com pul so ry; how ev er, it can take up over loads. POST Action Type helps to offer data that we have to man age for a detailed resource. With all the POST requests, we pass the URL, which is essen tial and the data. How can we achieve Forms authentication in MVC? Authen ti ca tion is pro vid ing access to the user for a par tic u lar ser vice by ver i fy ing their iden ti ty using their cre den tials like user name and pass word or email and pass word (whichev er might be the case). It ver i fies the cor rect user is and lets them log in for that par tic u lar ser vice. More over, it ensures that the right ser vice has been giv en to the spe cif ic user based on their role. What is RenderBody and RenderPage in MVC? Ren der Body is sim i lar to Con tent Place Hold er in web forms. It exists on the lay out page and it ren ders the child pages/views. The lay out page will have only one Ren der Body() method. Ren der Page also exists in the Lay out page and mul ti ple Ren der Page() can also be there on the Lay out page. Explain how can one maintain a session in MVC? Answer: In MVC, there are main ly 3 ways to exe cute it name ly: tem plate, view da ta, and view bag. How can you define a partial way in MVC? Answer: It is use ful in ren der ing a potion of view con tent and also it helps in reduc ing code dupli ca tion. Name the filter that comes in the end? Answer: âExcep tion Fil tersâ comes at the end. These are some MVC inter view ques tions and answers that a pro gram mer can encounter when he sits for an inter view. Read more about ASP.Net inter view ques tions here!! Search All Cur rent Upcom ingJobs. Click here tofind over 4Lakh+Job Post ings in India. mvc interview questionsmvc interview questionsmvc interview questions and answersmvc interview questions in
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Is a sales management course right for me
Is a sales management course right for me by Michael Cheary Gaining a new qualification is a great way to move your career forward. But how do you know youâve found the right course for you?If youâre working in the sales sector, it can be all too easy to assume that itâs only your experience that counts when moving forward. But there are a number of qualifications out there to help you take the next step in your sales career. You just need to know where to start looking.To make sure you choose the right one for you, hereâs a quick guide to sales management courses:What sales qualifications are there?There are a number of different qualifications you can take in the sales industry.Aside from work-based qualifications such as NVQs, three of the main qualifications are:ISM â" The Institute of Sales Management (ISM) offer some of most respected and in-demand qualifications in the sales industry. In fact, they are the United Kingdomâs only professional sales awarding body recognised by the Governmentâs own re gulatory body for education.Their qualifications are available at six different levels, depending on your expertise/previous experience. Level one can be taken online, although all other levels will be assessed by assignment or work based evidence.Benefits of ISMM include professional recognition of your credentials, membership to the ISMM and even designatory letters after your name.CIM â" Aside from being the worldâs largest and most respected organisation for professional marketers, the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) also offer a number of sales specific qualifications.The Certificate in Professional Sales Practice provides an intensive introduction to the world of sales, allowing learners to master all the essential skills necessary to sell with success.Other sales specific CIM courses include the Advanced Certificate in Professional Sales Management Practice, and the Advanced Certificate in Account Management Practice.MAMSA â" MAMSA stands for the Managing and Marke ting Sales Association, a professional organisation specialising in qualifications and membership in sales, marketing and management.First conceived over 150 years ago, their philosophy and passion for the industry is still as strong today as it was then, and although not necessarily as well-known ISM or CIM, their qualifications are still respected throughout the world.Their diverse range of qualifications include Retail Sales, Salesmanship, Sales Marketing and Sales Management Certifications.Will I become certified with these courses?All of the courses listed above will provide you with well-respected, industry specific certifications.Not only will these allow you to help your CV stand out in a competitive industry, theyâll also give you the edge over your colleagues when the time comes to move into a sales management role.What are the benefits of a sales management course?There are many great benefits of gaining a sales management qualification, including:More job opportunitie sIncreased market valueMore lucrative salariesImproved performanceAn up-to-date knowledge of sales best practicesIndustry-wide recognition and validation of your skillsAside from these benefits, sales is a highly competitive industry to move into, and progression can be a difficult process.Becoming certified in sales management will know only help your personal development, it will also help you get ahead when it comes to your own company.Even if youâve completed some form of internal training, it may not be enough to progress and add to your skills, as these will most likely be incredibly specific to one service or set of products. A sales management course is a much more rounded way of building on your current sales knowledge.How do I know if a sales management course is right for me?If youâre still not sure, a sales management course might be right for you if any of the following apply:Youâre passionate about salesYouâre looking to take your career to the next levelYou th ink youâve got what it takes to work in managementYou want to become certifiedYou want to sharpen your skillsWho should I study with?With a variety of different course providers out there, weighing up the pros and cons and choosing the right one for you can be a difficult decision.The aforementioned ISM and CIM are good places to start, and they both provide a range of study options to suit all levels and circumstances.Other popular providers include the London School of Business and Research, Stanmore School of Business, and Oplex Careers who specialise in supplying a vast array of sales training programs to anyone looking to learn and further their careers.Find out moreLooking to take your next step in sales management? Take a Sales Management course now.
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