Thursday, July 9, 2020

Top MVC Interview Questions Answers for Sure Shot Selection

Top MVC Interview Questions Answers for Sure Shot Selection Top MVC Interview Questions Answers11 min read Read ­ing Time: 8 min ­utesIn this fast-mov ­ing world, one should remain updat ­ed reg ­u ­lar ­ly to catch up with new trends in tech ­nol ­o ­gy. There has been a dras ­tic change in the past few years, a lot of web devel ­op ­ment frame ­works are com ­ing in the mar ­ket. And one of these frame ­works is ASP.NET MVC. It is tak ­ing the inter ­net by storm, so hav ­ing knowl ­edge about this frame ­work has become nec ­es ­sary to keep up with the pace. Giv ­en below are the MVC inter ­view ques ­tions answers to help you get basic insights. Relat ­ed Posts: Sele ­ni ­um Inter ­view Ques ­tions Answers that you Can’t-Miss to Pre ­pare Fre ­quent ­ly Asked C Inter ­view Ques ­tions Answers by the Recruiters Top Data Struc ­ture Inter ­view Ques ­tions Answers | Get Start ­ed Php Inter ­view Ques ­tions Answers â€" [86% of Inter ­view ­ers Ask these] About ASP.NET MVC Whether you are a begin ­ner or try ­ing to switch to a new frame ­work, under ­stand ­ing the fre ­quent ­ly asked MVC inter ­view ques ­tions will help you crack your inter ­view. But what is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is an exten ­sion to the .NET plat ­form and with the help of this frame ­work, a pro ­gram ­mer can build, deploy and run web pages. The pro ­gram ­mer can eas ­i ­ly devel ­op web appli ­ca ­tions and web ­sites using HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, etc. And most impor ­tant ­ly it is an open-source web devel ­op ­ment frame ­work. But then the ques ­tion aris ­es that when there are so many open-source frame ­works, why will a pro ­gram ­mer learn a dif ­fer ­ent frame ­work. Well, this is an impor ­tant ques ­tion that you may come across while you give answers to your MVC inter ­view ques ­tions in ASP.NET. Why ASP.NET MVC? There are some para ­me ­ters that you should keep in mind before work ­ing on a new frame ­work. There are 3 major aspects which define the per ­for ­mance of an appli ­ca ­tion are : Unit Test ­ing: Not every web appli ­ca ­tion sup ­ports unit test ­ing. The pro ­gram ­mer might face prob ­lems in the cus ­tomiza ­tion of HTML. Also, while work ­ing on a par ­tic ­u ­lar frame ­work a pro ­gram ­mer focus ­es on how to reuse the code-behind class. And luck ­i ­ly all these para ­me ­ters exist in MVC, hence mak ­ing it more supe ­ri ­or to oth ­er frame ­works. Attractive Features: Cre ­at ­ing and imple ­ment ­ing tests is quite easy in this frame ­work The pro ­gram ­mer has com ­plete con ­trol over HTML, URL’s and Javascript It is sim ­ple to pro ­gram code in this frame ­work It uses the Mod ­el, View, Con ­troller struc ­ture The devel ­op ­ment of mod ­ules are test-dri ­ven It also sup ­ports par ­al ­lel devel ­op ­ment Important Things To Remember for MVC Interview Questions There are cer ­tain impor ­tant things that a pro ­gram ­mer needs to keep in mind while he cre ­ates his first MVC appli ­ca ­tion or faces an MVC inter ­view ques ­tions or MVC inter ­view ques ­tions too. The pro ­gram ­mer should under ­stand that while it is easy and con ­ve ­nient to use MVC but it is not a replace ­ment of ASP.Net web forms-based appli ­ca ­tions. The appli ­ca ­tions and their fea ­tures decide how to incor ­po ­rate MVC into it. The devel ­op ­ment process is much more com ­plex than oth ­er web form-based appli ­ca ­tions. ASP.NET MVC interview questions with Answers Now, let’s dive into MVC inter ­view ques ­tionsthat can help you clear your base. What is an MVC structure or Model View Controller? Tip: This may seem like a real ­ly cliched ques ­tion but this is where any inter ­view ­er can judge how much knowl ­edge you pos ­sess about the struc ­ture. Answer: MVC Struc ­ture is a pat ­tern of soft ­ware archi ­tec ­ture that most of the pro ­gram ­mers use while devel ­op ­ing a web appli ­ca ­tion. It has 3 objects name ­ly: Mod ­el-View-Con ­troller. Explain the complete representation of Model-View-Controller in an MVC application. Answer: The MVC mod ­el has: Mod ­el: It con ­tains the busi ­ness log ­ic with ­in the mod ­el. The Mod ­el in MVC is also respon ­si ­ble for main ­tain ­ing data. Hence it is also called as an appli ­ca ­tion’s data domain. View: It is basi ­cal ­ly what the user sees on the screen or a user inter ­face. In oth ­er words, it con ­tains user inter ­face log ­ic. Con ­troller: Con ­troller gives answers to the user’s clicks or actions. Based on it, a par ­tic ­u ­lar con ­troller responds with ­in the mod ­el and dis ­plays the result on the user’s screen. What are the different return types of the controller action method? Answer: JSON Result Javascript Result Con ­tent Result View Result Explain the key difference between adding routes to a web application and a Model-View-Controller application. Answer: For adding a route to a web form app, the pro ­gram ­mer can use Map ­PageR ­oute() method which comes in the RouteCol ­lec ­tion class where ­as if the pro ­gram ­mer is adding routes to an MVC appli ­ca ­tion, then he/she may pre ­fer to use MapRoute() method. What are the advantages of using an MVC structure? Answer: The ben ­e ­fits or advan ­tages of MVC are as fol ­lows: Mul ­ti ­ple view sup ­port: Because of the sep ­a ­ra ­tion of the mod ­el from the view, the user inter ­face can present mul ­ti ­ple views of the same data and at the same time. Change Accom ­mo ­da ­tion: User inter ­faces lead to switch ­ing more reg ­u ­lar ­ly than busi ­ness rules. Sep ­a ­ra ­tion of Con ­cerns: Sep ­a ­ra ­tion of Con ­cerns (SOC) is one of the core advan ­tages of ASP.NET MVC. The MVC frame ­work presents a clean divi ­sion of the UI, Busi ­ness Log ­ic, Mod ­el or Data. More Con ­trol: The ASP.NET MVC frame ­work pro ­duces more con ­trol over HTML, JavaScript, and CSS than the leg ­endary Web ­Forms. Testa ­bil ­i ­ty: This frame ­work imple ­ments more use ­ful testa ­bil ­i ­ty of the Web Appli ­ca ­tion and great sup ­port for test-dri ­ven devel ­op ­ment too. Light ­weight: MVC frame ­work does ­n’t use View State and that over ­comes the band ­width of the requests to an inten ­si ­ty. List some disadvantages of using MVC structure. Answer: The mod ­el pat ­tern that MVC struc ­ture uses is a bit com ­plex. There can be inef ­fi ­cien ­cy in access ­ing data in the view. With the evolv ­ing user inter ­face, some ­times it becomes dif ­fi ­cult to incor ­po ­rate MVC in the code. To use MVC, the pro ­gram ­mer must have knowl ­edge of mul ­ti ­ple lan ­guages. While work ­ing on any frame ­work, it is impor ­tant to know about the steps of the struc ­ture which are exe ­cut ­ed when a pro ­gram ­mer uses an MVC struc ­ture. This ques ­tion comes up more fre ­quent ­ly no mat ­ter how many times you sit to appear for your MVC inter ­view ques ­tions Define the execution step in the MVC structure. Answer: The steps are as fol ­lows: It receives a request for the appli ­ca ­tion. Sec ­ond ­ly, it per ­forms rout ­ing. Then takes place the MVC request han ­dler. A Con ­troller is cre ­at ­ed. Then exe ­cu ­tion of con ­troller takes place. What is the difference between ViewBag and ViewData? View ­Da ­ta pass ­es data from a con ­troller to a view. View ­Bag is a cov ­er around View ­Da ­ta, which allows for ­mu ­lat ­ing a dynam ­ic prop ­er ­ty. So the main ben ­e ­fit of view ­bag over view ­da ­ta is that in View ­Bag there is no require ­ment to type ­cast the objects as in the case of View ­Da ­ta. More ­over, View ­Bag takes advan ­tage of the dynam ­ic key ­word that is includ ­ed in ver ­sion 4.0. How ­ev ­er, View ­Bag is slow ­er than the View ­Da ­ta. How can we change the action name in MVC? “Action ­Name” attribute is uti ­lized for alter ­ing the action name. Here is a sam ­ple code snip ­pet to demon ­strate itâ€" [ActionName(“TestActionNew”)] pub ­lic Action ­Re ­sult Tes ­tAc ­tion() { return View(); } In this code snip ­pet, “Tes ­tAc ­tion” is the orig ­i ­nal action name and in the “Action ­Name” attribute, name â€" “Tes ­tAc ­tion ­New” is giv ­en. Hence, the caller will use “Tes ­tAc ­tion ­New” to call this action. What is WebAPI? HTTP is the most wide ­ly used and known pro ­to ­col. For many years, the brows ­er was the most favored client by which we con ­sumed data exposed over HTTP. But as years passed, client vari ­ety began grow ­ing out. We had asked to con ­sume data on HTTP from clients like mobile, JavaScript, Win ­dows appli ­ca ­tions, etc. For meet ­ing the demands of a broad range of clients, REST was the rec ­om ­mend ­ed approach. WebAPI is the tech ­nol ­o ­gy by which you can dis ­play data over HTTP fol ­low ­ing REST prin ­ci ­ples. What is MVC Routing? The URLs inASP.NET MVC are draft ­ed to action meth ­ods and con ­trollers rather than phys ­i ­cal files of the sys ­tem. To pre ­cise ­ly out ­line action meth ­ods and con ­troller to URLs, the rout ­ing engine forms suit ­able routes. Using this, the con ­trollers can man ­age spe ­cif ­ic requests. What is an Attribute Route in MVC? ASP.NET Web API pro ­motes this kind of rout ­ing. In this type of rout ­ing, attrib ­ut ­es deter ­mine the routes. It gives more con ­trol over clas ­sic URI Rout ­ing. Attribute Rout ­ing can be estab ­lished at con ­troller lev ­el or at Action lev ­el like â€" [Route(“{action = Test ­Cat ­e ­go ­ryList}”)] â€" Con ­troller Lev ­el [Route(“customers/{TestCategoryId:int:min(10)}”)] â€" Action Lev ­el What do you understand by Code Blocks in Views? Code expres ­sions are eval ­u ­at ­ed and sent to the response. But Code blocks are the blocks of code that get exe ­cut ­ed. This is ben ­e ­fi ­cial for indi ­cat ­ing vari ­ables which might be claimed to be applied next. @{ int x = 123; string y = “aa”; } What is a Razor View Engine? Razor is the orig ­i ­nal prin ­ci ­pal update to pro ­duce HTML in MVC 3. It was out ­lined par ­tic ­u ­lar ­ly for view engine syn ­tax. The cen ­tral focus of this is to ana ­lyze tem ­plat ­ing for HTML gen ­er ­a ­tion. Below is a sam ­ple of using Razor: @model MvcMusicStore.Models.Customer @{ViewBag.Title = “Get Cus ­tomers”;} div class=”cust” h3em@Model.CustomerName/em /h3 What are the possible Razor view extensions? Below are the two types of exten ­sions razor view can have â€" .cshtml â€" In C# pro ­gram ­ming lan ­guage this exten ­sion is prac ­ticed. .vbhtml â€" In VB pro ­gram ­ming lan ­guage this exten ­sion is used. What is Unobtrusive JavaScript? This is a gener ­ic term that car ­ries a gen ­er ­al phi ­los ­o ­phy, com ­pa ­ra ­ble to the term REST (Rep ­re ­sen ­ta ­tion ­al State Trans ­fer). Unob ­tru ­sive JavaScript does not inter ­mix JavaScript code in page markup. Eg: Instead of using events like onclick and onsub ­mit, the unob ­tru ­sive JavaScript con ­nects to items by their ID or class based on the HTML5 data- attrib ­ut ­es. Can you explain the MVC application life cycle? Here is the process in sequence: App ini ­tial ­iza ­tion Rout ­ing Instan ­ti ­ate and exe ­cute con ­troller Locate and invoke con ­troller action Instan ­ti ­ate and ren ­der view. What are Validation Annotations? Data anno ­ta ­tions are attrib ­ut ­es that are locat ­ed in the “System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations” name ­space. . Four attrib ­ut ­es, name ­ly â€" Required, String Length, Reg ­u ­lar Expres ­sion, and Range are used to incor ­po ­rate the com ­mon val ­i ­da ­tion sce ­nar ­ios. What is Dependency Resolution? Depen ­den ­cy Resolver has been intro ­duced in MVC3 and has con ­sid ­er ­ably ana ­lyzed the usage of depen ­den ­cy injec ­tion in appli ­ca ­tions. This turns out to be eas ­i ­er and more use ­ful for decou ­pling the appli ­ca ­tion com ­po ­nents as well as in mak ­ing them more acces ­si ­ble to test and more con ­fig ­urable. What is the use of Keep and Peek in “TempData”? Once “Tem ­p ­Da ­ta” is read in the cur ­rent request, it is not pos ­si ­ble in the fol ­low ­ing request. If we want “Tem ­p ­Da ­ta” to be read and also avail ­able in the suc ­ceed ­ing request then after read ­ing we need to call the “Keep” method as explained in the code below: @TempData[“MyData”]; TempData.Keep(“MyData”); The short ­cut way of accom ­plish ­ing the same result is by using “Peek”. This func ­tion helps to read as well as main ­tain “Tem ­p ­Da ­ta” for the sub ­se ­quent request. string str = TempData.Peek(“Td”).ToString(); What are the Filters? There are times when we want to exe ­cute some log ­ic either pri ­or to the exe ­cu ­tion of the action method or after the exe ­cu ­tion. We can use Action Fil ­ter for such kind of sce ­nario. Fil ­ters estab ­lish the log ­ic that exe ­cutes before or after the exe ­cu ­tion of the action method. Action Fil ­ters are attrib ­ut ­es that we can employ to the action meth ­ods. Fol ­low ­ing are the MVC action fil ­ter types: Autho ­riza ­tionfil ­ter(imple ­ments IAu ­tho ­riza ­tion ­Fil ­ter) Actionfil ­ter(imple ­ments IAc ­tion ­Fil ­ter) Resultfil ­ter(imple ­ments IRe ­sult ­Fil ­ter) Excep ­tionfil ­ter(imple ­mentsIEx ­cep ­tion ­Fil ­ter attribute) What is the GET Action type and POST Action type? GET Action Type helps in inquir ­ing data from a par ­tic ­u ­lar ­ized resource. With all the GET requests, we pass the URL, which is com ­pul ­so ­ry; how ­ev ­er, it can take up over ­loads. POST Action Type helps to offer data that we have to man ­age for a detailed resource. With all the POST requests, we pass the URL, which is essen ­tial and the data. How can we achieve Forms authentication in MVC? Authen ­ti ­ca ­tion is pro ­vid ­ing access to the user for a par ­tic ­u ­lar ser ­vice by ver ­i ­fy ­ing their iden ­ti ­ty using their cre ­den ­tials like user ­name and pass ­word or email and pass ­word (whichev ­er might be the case). It ver ­i ­fies the cor ­rect user is and lets them log in for that par ­tic ­u ­lar ser ­vice. More ­over, it ensures that the right ser ­vice has been giv ­en to the spe ­cif ­ic user based on their role. What is RenderBody and RenderPage in MVC? Ren ­der ­Body is sim ­i ­lar to Con ­tent ­Place ­Hold ­er in web forms. It exists on the lay ­out page and it ren ­ders the child pages/views. The lay ­out page will have only one Ren ­der ­Body() method. Ren ­der ­Page also exists in the Lay ­out page and mul ­ti ­ple Ren ­der ­Page() can also be there on the Lay ­out page. Explain how can one maintain a session in MVC? Answer: In MVC, there are main ­ly 3 ways to exe ­cute it name ­ly: tem ­plate, view ­da ­ta, and view bag. How can you define a partial way in MVC? Answer: It is use ­ful in ren ­der ­ing a potion of view con ­tent and also it helps in reduc ­ing code dupli ­ca ­tion. Name the filter that comes in the end? Answer: “Excep ­tion Fil ­ters” comes at the end. These are some MVC inter ­view ques ­tions and answers that a pro ­gram ­mer can encounter when he sits for an inter ­view. Read more about ASP.Net inter ­view ques ­tions here!! Search All Cur ­rent Upcom ­ingJobs. Click here tofind over 4Lakh+Job Post ­ings in India. mvc interview questionsmvc interview questionsmvc interview questions and answersmvc interview questions in

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